Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Start Making Money Online from Blogs Today!

From: Alvin Phang
October 31, 2007

Subject: A Closely-Guarded And Kept Blogging Secret Finally Revealed!
Dear Friend,

If you're as lazy like me... and you desire to make money online the fast, simple and shortcut way with your blogs (preferably generating profits within the next 72 hours)... then you'll want to glue your eyes to every word in this letter.

Now let me ask you a question...

Don't you just hate buying SCAMS, HYPES and CRAP information everywhere -- when all you want is settle down and experience the comfort from your automatic, profit-generating online business?

Well my're not alone because I've experienced what you did too.

And what I can promise you is for the next 5 minutes, what you're going to read here is truly going to astound you with entirely new, lethal secrets on bringing TOP rankings to every each of your blogs.

With so many talk about web 2.0 now, more and more people are getting rich using it and you know what? --

One of the Web 2.0 interface that pulls in
MOST floods of cash are actually Blogs!

Mainly used as online diaries in the pass few years... blogs have since evolved so much that many people are enjoying luxurious comfort and lifestyle taking advantage of it (and it just doesn't makes sense if you don't begin right now) -- even now as you read down this page.

If you don't know how blogs actually work...

Here's a simple illustration that'll explain it:

The above picture basically shows you the whole process behind blogging and as you can see... there are lots of process.

Pretty complicated for a beginner if I must confess

If you think getting traffic to your blog is as easy as writing a post and submitting it, then you are totally misleaded... because that's just not enough to make it irresistible to search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN.
After posting your article on your blog, you will actually need to accomplish more steps like submitting your posts to article directories and search engines to get it slightly noticed!

A simple illustration how article posts in blogs are
submitted would be

Imagine doing this every day with your blog posts -- surely, it will suck out all of your life force in truly enjoying a warm, happy life with your family to submit all your posts for the purpose of generating traffic alone (I have personally done that and let me ensure you, it's not a nice thing to do)...

As you go on, you'll realize yourself spending away too much time on marketing then when you're finally done with it, and when you track your results (I'll teach you don't worry) -- You may end up disappointed as there's only trickles or no traffic at all that actually came to your website!

Don't Let This Happen to You!
I know for a fact that doing what you've read above will not produce wealthy results. If you're experiencing tons of trouble and headaches figuring out if there are any ways to automate the whole process at all, I know exactly how it feels because I've been in your situation.

But that's the good news --

After months of soul research and meeting with blogging experts in the field, I have finally found the solution... the closely kept dark secret weapon they were using -- and you're about to benefit from it!

Introducing The Next Generation of Blogging


Instead of the normal or usual way people create blogs and submit our articles to different Web 2.0 sites to attract swarms of trafic, I have discovered a solution which enables you to post articles on any blogs and update them with all major Web 2.0 sites -- right away!

What's more important is... I'm going to lead you personally with a step-by-step guide on how to drive massive, targeted-visitors to your blogs with the secrets you're about to learn.

"But Alvin, why are you revealing your blogging secrets anyway? Aren't you concerned about your competitors taking advantage of you?"

I'll be straight-forward and honest with you. Coaching people on how to make profits through their blogs is my passion and business -- besides, I'm already making my part of the niche blogging market with ease and comfort.

If I have to go into competition with others, I'm confident that my mind is prepared with experiences, tools, knowledge and secrets to outrank them anytime, which is the reason why I'm confident in revealing these closely guarded, "Fort Knox" locked-away blogging secrets with you right at this moment.

Now, you may begin to think Atomic Blogging is too good to be true. How about some proof of its sheer abilities to better melt away your doubts? -

Just look at the level of difference after only 1 month of implementation!
And if you think these improvements within a month is astounding, see what happens as it goes through the next few months!

Coming from a background as a programmer and trainer , the tips and guides I have prepared for you will give you every "unfair" advantage you need to gain an upper-hand against your competition and simply crush the rest with little effort!

To show you how effectively Atomic Blogging has worked for me, here are REAL screenshots of sales I've profited using it (this is not some sales generated from any other efforts, every single penny you see here comes from one of my recent highly-optimized blogs):

That's Shown from Only 1 of my Payment Processors!
Need More Proof?

As If There Weren't Enough, Here's More of Them
(from the same blog, all recently) Coming Through!

Here Are More Proof (all recently) Coming Through

Here's Even More Proof (all recently) Coming Through!

Truth Is? All These Easy Blog Profits Almost Wouldn't Be Possible If It Wasn't For Atomic Blogging!

Imagine how many people suffer from seeing their blogs get blown off every single day because:

They don't know the secrets behind gaining TOP Search Engine results...
They don't know the right ways to driving hordes of constant, steady and highly-targeted traffic to their websites and -
They don't know the quick and easy way to make windfalls of cash from their blogs in record time!
This doesn't have to be you! In fact...

You Can Choose to Experience A Better Lifestyle and Witness Immeasurable Improvements in Traffic & Rankings With Your Blogs Right Now!

So why me? In most cases... you may not have even heard of me!

But for one very good reason you can trust me -- and that's because I practice what I preach.

Look, I don't simply tell you stuff unless they truly work like gangbusters.

Although I eat, sleep and breathe making profits from Internet Marketing coming from a very technicial background, I'm going to show you the fastest, easiest way (without all the unecessary long-theories stuff) and real practical steps to use Atomic Blogging in making your own avalanches of wealth in baby steps!

Now honestly ask yourself:

Do you want to learn from someone who would just outsource all his teachings and take all your hard-earned money for it, or someone who has a solid 3 years of technical IT background to coach you -- having you make MORE money than you'd expect yourself to get?

As You Unveil the Breakthrough Secrets of
Atomic Blogging, You'll Learn...

How You Can Almost Exploit The Up And Coming Web 2.0 Trend With Atomic Blogging (With this alone, you'll outrank and profit much more than other blogs!)

Secrets On How to Use The Power Of Wordpress To Boost Your Blogs' Rankings The Quick And Easy Way! Finally Revealed -- Hidden Steps Popular Bloggers Do To Get Massive Amount of Traffic...

Covert Techniques to Ensure You Don't Make Mistakes With Your Blogs And Make Them Irresistible to ALL the Search Engines -- every time!

A Secret Formula That Guarantees You To Get Ranked In The Top 10 (It Took Me 12 Months To Understand At Last...) When You Master This, You Can Start Charging People Thousands Of Dollars To Search Engine Optimize For THEM!

The 5 Most Important Traffic Generation Techniques You'll Ever Need To Know With Your Blogs (And You're About to Discover About Them Soon, No Holds-Barrelled!)

One Tiny "Tweak" That Increased My Rankings From PR1 to PR4 Overnight (And How You Can Do It Too In the Next 15 Minutes!)

How To Generate Thousands Of Real (This Has to Be Emphasized) Back Links To Your Blogs And Website Without Much Hard Work And Start Increasing Your Technorati Ranking Within A Week...
REVEALED: Free Personal Resources You Can Use to Get Hundreds of Free Quality Content For Your Blog Instantly!

How One Simple Atomic Blogging Module Get My Content Index Within 24 Hours In All Major Search Engines A Simple Formula To Create Cash Right-Away Without A Product Or Website Of Your Own!

How to Get Unbelievably High Traffic Domain Names With This FREE Simple Tool Most Internet Millionaires Dont Want You To Know About!
An Untold Secret Why 99% Of Internet Marketers Fail Online And How You Can Prevent This From Happening On You...

7 Advanced SEO Techniques I Used To Get Top Search Engines Rankings In Record Time (They May Be Advanced, But You'll Know How to Do It In Only 15 Minutes!)

Tons of Examples Showing You Step-by-Step Process To Drive Steady, Massive and Targeted Traffic to Your Blogs Quickly (Or Even Better, Traffic That Grows Over Time!)

A Secret Way How Experts Find Domain Names That Give You Instant Traffic And Cash Within 24 Hours!

Finally REVEALED! Tools And Step By Step Guide Revealing How To Discover The Right Niches And Products In Only 120 Minutes Or LESS!

Discover How to Get A Reliable Webhosting For Only US$0.01 (This Secret Is Worth All Your Investment Alone)! -- AND I Will Show You How To Do It In Baby Steps

A Closely Guarded Trade Secret Programmers Don't Want You To Know To Setup Your Website In Minutes! (Even A Beginner With No -- yes completely NO Computer Knowledge Can Do It In 10 Minutes Or LESS!)

STOP Paying Others To Do Simple Tasks Of Updating Your Websites In A Flash! I Will Show You In Just 4 Pages With Detailed Steps To Upload Files The Quick And Easy Way

Sick of Putting Hours and Hours of Effort Writing or Creating Content For Your Blogs? Discover These 2 Rarely-Talked About Secret Resources You Can Grab Or Buy Content For FREE!

Monetize Your Websites With Adsense With Step By Step Tutorials Which Reveals How You Can Get A CTR of 30% Or More For Your Web Pages.

Work Smarter And Spend More Time With Your Family With Legitimate Underground Tools That Updates Your Content With A Push Of A Button (yes, and IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES!)
And Much, Much More (Seriously, these are only surfaces of Atomic Blogging)!

Click Here Now For Instant Access

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